If you or a loved one is in need of in-home care services or similar assistance, there are many decisions that have to be made. In-home care and assisted living are the most common types of professional support services that people outsource to. When choosing between the two, there are many factors to run through and consider. Ultimately, the choice you make should solely depend on your loved one’s specific needs.
To learn more about the support and care your loved one needs, we define in-home care services, assisted living, and what each has to offer.
Know the Difference Between In-Home Care and Assisted Living
Knowing the differences is the first step to take. In-home involves a caregiver that comes to the home at specific times to assist with daily activities and tasks such as eating, dressing, bathing, and more. Assisted living consists of communities where seniors live. In these communities, seniors receive several services such as meals and transportation. Assisted living centers also work to keep seniors involved in group activities.
Determine How Much Help or Assistance is Needed
Before making any final decisions, you need to know how much assistance your family member or loved one requires. You can consult with your loved one’s medical team to learn more. If your family member needs assistance at all times, it would be best to look into assisted living. If you or your family members can help care for your loved one, in-home care would be a good option.
Think About What You Can Afford
Now that you know how much help your loved one or family member would need, the last thing to think about is what your financial situation looks like. This usually heavily depends on who is paying, who can pitch in, and how much everyone can afford. To be able to plan accordingly, you can contact the assisted living and in-home care services you’ve been looking into and ask for pricing information.
Assisted Living
The Pros
The best things that assisted living has to offer include:
- 24/7 care and supervision
- Social interaction
- Gatherings with same-aged individuals
- Level of care can be personalized to the patient
The Cons
Some things about assisted living that could pose some difficulty include:
- Supervision and care aren’t as personal as in-home care
- Private aides require additional costs
- Seniors may not enjoy a shared living environment
In-Home Care
The Pros
The main benefits that in-home care services offer include:
- Patient is most comfortable receiving one-on-one care in their home
- In-home care services are hourly (may be a cheaper option)
- Family members can be as involved as they want in in-home care
- Patients are taught how to practice at-home care
The Cons
- Lacks the structure that assisted living offers
- Patient may need to outsource in order to fully treat conditions or needs
- Depending on insurance, in-home care may or may not be fully covered
Choose the Supportive Team at Santa Teresa Provider
There is so much that our professionals at Santa Teresa Provider can do to improve the quality of your loved one’s life. Contact us today at (915) 234-5671 to learn more about how our in-home care services can meet the health goals of your loved one.