Supporting a loved one with diabetes can seem like a massive sacrifice to both of your diets at first. However, in the long run, it has more benefits than pains when it comes to cutting and adding different nutrients and foods. When thinking about meal plans and what to shift in your diet, specific foods have proven over time that they’re ideal for anyone with diabetes. It doesn’t matter if you’re altering your diet to help support someone or just looking for ideas on how to help them. We have some answers for you. At Santa Teresa Providers, our caretakers help meal prep to keep proper diets and assist with maintaining the best health possible.
What To Know About Diabetes
Approximately 13% of the US population has diabetes, according to the CDC. Overall, diabetes is a disease that comes from high blood glucose or high blood sugar levels. Glucose comes from the types of foods that you eat. They use insulin as a hormone that will help the glucose move into your cells to provide them with energy. Not having enough insulin then the glucose will stay in your blood. This is where the type of diabetes comes into play and the need to understand the differences.
You need to first know which three of the main types of diabetes you’re dealing with or helping someone control. The three main types include:
Type 1 Diabetes
This is when your body does not make insulin and will need to take it daily to provide energy to your body.
Type 2 Diabetes
At this stage, your body does not make or take in insulin well. As a result, you may need to take some form of pill or insulin to help control diabetes. Type 2 has become the most common form of diabetes.
Gestational (jest-TAY-shun-al) diabetes
This is more common in women who are pregnant. It will often go away after the child is born, but even so, both the child and woman have a greater chance of getting diabetes post-birth.
Foods To Help With Diabetes
Understanding and figuring out which foods will be best when having diabetes can be difficult. When looking for foods, your main goal is to control your blood sugar levels and eat foods that prevent complications such as heart disease. These are some of the best foods for those who have diabetes.
- Fatty fish
- Leafy greens
- Avocados
- Eggs
- Chia seeds
- Beans
- Greek yogurt
- Nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia, pecans, pistachios, walnuts)
- Broccoli
- Extra-virgin olive oil
- Flaxseeds
- Apple cider vinegar
- Strawberries
- Garlic
- Squash
- Shirataki noodles
Santa Teresa Providers Caretaking Services
Here at Santa Teresa Providers, we can help meal prep and plan meals for those who need it most. Understanding the proper diets for different types of conditions is what we specialize in, and we will do our best to keep your family members in the best of health. Give us a call today if you would like more information on our services.