Non-Medical Home Care What To Know

Finding reliable and trustworthy non-medical home care can seem difficult at first. There’s much involved depending on the type of care that your loved one may need at the time. One of the first and most significant things to consider is if you need medical or non-medical assistance. The difference between the two has a major difference in what a caretaker can and cannot do for your loved one. Here at Santa Teresa Providers, we offer non-medical assistance, but we can also find medical assistance in certain circumstances. Knowing what exactly someone needs help with is key to understanding what type of provider to bring on for help. 

Non-Medical Health Care

Non-medical home care is beneficial for individuals, in most common cases elderly, who can no longer independently maintain their lifestyle without additional assistance. This can make their daily routine much easier and more manageable. Someone who has physical or cognitive conditions that can prevent them from cooking meals, running errands, or maintaining their home are likely candidates for non-medical assistance. This can also include assistance with bathing, dressing, and toileting. Some considerable benefits that can come with this type of non-medical care include light housekeeping and meal preparation to maintain a healthy and proper diet. This can make life easier on not only the one receiving the care but relieve stress and time on their loved ones and family.

Home Health Care

It can see that non-medical care will be overlapped with home care assistance. Home care generally refers to someone receiving help after an operation or someone who needs even more home assistance. This can include medication reminders and help with rehabilitation. A nurse or other trained professional will take on the role to assist with the medical needs of the individual. Some home health services can include: 

  • Wound care
  • Patient and/or caregiver education 
  • Nutrition therapy 
  • Injections 
  • Health monitoring 

As home health care providers, they can take care of any and all non-medical care as well. Each patient may require more or less extensive care, which can fluctuate over time. Doctors’ orders will generally require home health care assistance. 

Santa Teresa Providers For Your Non-Medical Care

For all your non-medical needs and caretaking, Santa Teresa Providers can help. We can also provide home health care in certain situations. Give us a call today to see how we can help you, and your loved one live a better life at home. 

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